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Hidden (2021)

Seeing the words written and directed beside my name was a surreal feeling. Hidden (2021) - is a teenagers’ attempt to spread mental health awareness but in their own unique way.

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Essex Indians Charity gave me the creative freedom and opportunity to write and direct this skit and perform it live in front of an audience of more than 100 people as a part of their Uttorshori: the next generation festival.


Hidden was created to raise important questions about how often mental illnesses are casually used as adjectives in today’s society and how the ignorant use of these common phrases leaves hidden marks...


I got a platform to put my skills into practice and this became an incredible addition to my personal portfolio. I took mental health as my starting point as it is one of the topics, I have passionate about and then further developed the idea from a teenage/young person's perspective.

This is a promo video by the Essex Indians Charity for their Uttorshori Festival - featuring me and the actors.

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A short piece about Hidden and my background was featured in the Durga Puja Brochure of Essex Indians Charity.


I got the brilliant opportunity of talking about the festival and my drama on BBC Essex Radio; I was one of the panellists on their evening 7:30 show called Hashtag Essex.

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